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On this page you will find the actual trading results and their  with test results

Examples showing their equality close to 100%  you will see.

This feature is an exceptional feature found in very rare robots.

Page 6:  Between 6 March - 21 May

Golden Ratio  EURGBP  your robot  6  March 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. Note: Transactions other than EURGBP and GBPUSD belong to the Sixth Sense robot.  

NOTE: Due to the change in leverage ratios, the LOT size we use in robots has been changed to 0.40 .


RobotTL  your robot  13  March 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge.

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Golden Ratio  EURGBP  your robot  20  March 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. Note: Transactions other than EURGBP and GBPUSD belong to the Sixth Sense robot.  

NOTE: Due to the change in leverage ratios, the LOT size we use in robots has been changed to 0.40 .

RobotTL  your robot  March 27, 2017  Actual transaction result for the week  and the result of the test done in the same date range  are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

RobotTL  your robot  April 3, 2017  Actual trading results for the week  and the results of the test conducted in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. NOTE: In the 3rd picture, it is seen that RoboTL is available for sale.  From the day of March 2017 6  All profitable and harmful transactions up to May 2017 are shown.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

In the picture below, you can see the 13 RoboTL available for sale.  All profitable and harmful transactions from March 2017 to May 6, 2017 are shown.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

Golden Ratio  EURUSD Robot  April 10, 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. Note: Transactions other than the selected EurUsd transaction and GbpUsd transaction belong to the Sixth Sense robot.  

NOTE: Due to the change in leverage ratios, the LOT size we use in robots has been changed to 0.40 .

Golden Ratio  GBPUSD Robot  April 17, 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge.

NOTE: Due to the change in leverage ratios, the LOT size we use in robots has been changed to 0.40 .

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Golden Ratio  EURGBP  your robot  April 24, 2017  The actual transaction result of the week and the result of the test performed in the same date range.  are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge.

Sixth Sense  1 of the XAUUSD Robot  May 2017  The actual transaction result of the week and the result of the test performed in the same date range.  are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. Note: Click to see the weekly results of the Sixth Sense robot.

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Gold  Ratio  1 of EURUSD Robot  May 2017  The actual transaction result of the week and the result of the test performed in the same date range.  are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge.

RobotTL  8 of your robot  May 2017  The actual transaction result of the week and the result of the test performed in the same date range.  are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. NOTE: In the 3rd picture, it is seen that RoboTL is available for sale.  All profitable and harmful transactions from March 2017 to 13 May 2017 are shown.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar
forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

RobotTL  15 of your robot  May 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge. NOTE: In the 3rd picture, it is seen that RoboTL is available for sale.  All profitable and harmful transactions from March 2017 to May 30, 2017 are shown.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

In the picture below, you can see the 13 RoboTL available for sale.  From the day of March 2017 30  All profitable and harmful transactions up to May 2017 are shown.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

Golden Ratio  15 of EURUSD Robot  May 2017  The actual transaction results of the week and the results of the test performed in the same date range are shown in the following 2 pictures, respectively.  You can do the same test using the free version of the robot. Pictures on them  click to enlarge.

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