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~ Weekly Results of RoboTL and Golden Ratio Robots ~

All Results Are Published Without Making a Profitable/Loss-Web Distinction.

Page 1: After 23 October

The Golden Ratio and the Sixth Sense  Robots October 23, 2017  results for the week  in the picture below  shown.

You can check/track the accuracy of these previous and future results using the free versions that you download today, with a delay of 1 day. For example , you can use the free version you download today after 15 days to check the validity of the results published on that date.

Note: The last 4 transactions belong to the Golden Ratio robot.

Max: The value indicated to the right of each position shows the largest profit reached during the period the position is open.  On this site, the results of the uninterrupted operation of the robots without any intervention are published. It is at the user's discretion to interfere with the processes of the robots, and the details of this issue are included in the guides sent to our users who purchased robots.



In the pictures below, you can see the 13 RoboTL available for sale.  All profitable and harmful transactions from March 2017 to October 28, 2017 are shown.

Max: The value indicated to the right of each position shows the largest profit reached during the period the position is open. On this site, the results of the uninterrupted operation of the robots without any intervention are published. It is at the user's discretion to interfere with the processes of the robots, and the details of this issue are included in the guides sent to our users who purchased robots.

Note:  Since the account history does not fit on one screen, three  Added as a separate image. Each image is a continuation of the other.

forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar
forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar
forex, viop, dolar/tl, usd try, usd try, usd tl, tl dolar

The video below is a general video, intended to be available on the site until the results are republished. There are no details to show the past transactions of any robot. Shared as a last video.

Genel Nitelikte Son Video
Play Video

1. Page Break

From November 2017, past results will not be published.

You can review the robots on the results up to November 2017.

The date when the results will be published again has not been determined yet.

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